Report Number




Hot Humid Climates; Monitoring, Residential energy consumption; Electricity demand data; Load management; Energy efficiency; Hot climate; Appliance energy use; Peak load reduction


This load research project by a large utility has monitored 204 residences in Central Florida, collecting detailed electricity end-use load data. In each home, 15-minute electric demand data is obtained on total electric power, space heating, cooling, water heating, dryers, cooking and pool energy use. Interior and exterior temperatures were also recorded. This is similar to other detailed end-use data monitored in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in the ELCAP project (Pratt et al., 1989) and the PG&E Appliance Metering Project (Brodsky and McNicoll, 1987). However these data are of a more recent vintage and from a cooling dominated climate.

The homes represent a statistically drawn sample using end-use metering to identify ways in which the residential peak load might be reduced within its load management as well as to obtain improved appliance energy consumption indexes and load profiles. The extent of the collected data (100 million data points) provides an extremely rich data source for evaluating energy efficiency improvement potential of homes in hot climates. This paper highlights influences and findings.

Date Published





Reference Publication: Parker, D. S., "Research Highlights from a Large Scale Residential Monitoring Study in a Hot Climate." Proceeding of International Symposium on Highly Efficient Use of Energy and Reduction of its Environmental Impact, P. 108­116, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research for the Future Program, JPS­RFTF97P01002, Osaka, Japan, January 2002. (Also published as FSEC­PF369­02, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL.)


Electric power consumption; Dwellings--Energy consumption; Energy conservation; Air conditioning; Heating; Hot-water heating

Local Subjects

Hot Humid Climates; Monitoring


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FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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