Report Number




Alternative Fuel Vehicles


This report summarizes the results of research conducted to determine if current and near future electric vehicle (EV) sales will have an impact on motor fuel tax revenues as part of the Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF). Gasoline and diesel fuel taxes account for $31.1 billion or about 87% of the HTF. The project results were accomplished by conducting a review of existing industry and government reports that detail fuel tax revenues and an analysis of EV sales from 2010 through 2016. Results show, that as of January 2017, the lost fuel tax revenue from EV sales of 560,000 vehicles is shown to be $111.8 million or a loss to the HTF of 0.36%. Although EVs, at present, have little impact on the HTF, calculations for EV sales growth rates of 10% show a 5% reduction in the HTF in about 20 years. Thus, new policies and programs that aim to increase revenue streams for highway funding as a result of EVs are under discussion in some states. Options being considered are fee based travel, increased direct taxes and surcharges on vehicle purchases.

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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