High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023

Analysis of Universal Healthcare

Analysis of Universal Healthcare

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Dr. Debra Edgar

Faculty/Instructor Email


About the Author

My name is Jay, I am a second year student at UCF studying biomedical sciences. I have been volunteering at this specific volunteering location since March and I am excited to share with you all the experiences I had.

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

The purpose of this project is to volunteer and help the patients at the downtown Shepherd’s Hope clinic. Throughout this project I was most responsible for the front desk and discharge coordination of new and returning patients, I was responsible for inputting them into the system and organizing the data for the scribe to easily access. During this service period I learned a lot about the inner workings of a health facility and how hectic it can get at times as problems within the system and it taught me to always be on my feet ready to help in terms of crisis.


Shepherd's Hope; volunteering; universal healthcare

Analysis of Universal Healthcare
