High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023
ADHD & Metacognition
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Dr. Melissa Mitchell
Faculty/Instructor Email
Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
Metacognition is a helpful solution to address the symptoms of ADHD. Through my research case study, I did a semester long project with a 3rd grade student with ADHD working on Metacognition to improve reading comprehension. This project consisted of doing multiple assessments/inventories to find the areas of reading this student needed to grow in. After seeing the need, I met it with an intervention. My student showed a need in reading comprehension. I administered four research-based interventions on Metacognition (thinking about your thinking) to improve reading comprehension. The results showed a positive increase in reading comprehension scores. I decided on my intervention through my mini-literature review which revealed the correlation between ADHD and metacognition. Not only is metacognition a tool to be taught to improve reading comprehension but, it is also a strategy to help students with ADHD.
ADHD; Metacognition; Reading Research; Education
Recommended Citation
Latorre-Lagos, Isabel E., "ADHD & Metacognition" (2023). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023. 25.
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