High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023

ADHD & Metacognition

ADHD & Metacognition


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Dr. Melissa Mitchell

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About the Author

My name is Isabel Latorre-Lagos and I am Senior at UCF studying Exceptional Student Education. I am currently in my Junior Internship in a wonderful third grade ESE/Elementary Education class. I have a big passion for Exceptional Education, and that is where this project stemmed from. This could not have been possible without my teacher, Dr. Mitchell and my intern teacher. Thank you to you both tremendously!

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

Metacognition is a helpful solution to address the symptoms of ADHD. Through my research case study, I did a semester long project with a 3rd grade student with ADHD working on Metacognition to improve reading comprehension. This project consisted of doing multiple assessments/inventories to find the areas of reading this student needed to grow in. After seeing the need, I met it with an intervention. My student showed a need in reading comprehension. I administered four research-based interventions on Metacognition (thinking about your thinking) to improve reading comprehension. The results showed a positive increase in reading comprehension scores. I decided on my intervention through my mini-literature review which revealed the correlation between ADHD and metacognition. Not only is metacognition a tool to be taught to improve reading comprehension but, it is also a strategy to help students with ADHD.


ADHD; Metacognition; Reading Research; Education

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ADHD & Metacognition
