High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023

Behind the Scenes of Disability

Behind the Scenes of Disability

Streaming Media

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Stacey Malaret

Faculty/Instructor Email


Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

The goal of our service learning project is to understand how to approach people with disabilities at the elementary and middle school, Unlocking Children’s Potential or UCP. Their mission is to empower children with and without disabilities to achieve their potential by providing individual support, education, and therapy services in an inclusive environment. During the time we have spent at UCP, we worked in the cafeteria where we were able to engage in conversations and get involved with student activities as we worked alongside the faculty members Mr. Ed, Miss. Theresa, and Miss. Julia.

Additional Resources

LEAD Scholars Academy service learning project. This project is focused on the experience and impact of UCP cafeteria assistance volunteering opportunities.


Disability Service; Elementary Education

Behind the Scenes of Disability
