High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023
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Elizabeth Horn
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Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
The Theater Studies in Creative Drama project at UCF aimed to explore and implement Drama-Based Instruction (DBI) in education, with a specific focus on creating a lesson plan for children in hospitals. The project began by delving into the significance of play in childhood and its connection to theater. Through interdisciplinary collaboration with UCF nursing students, the team crafted a dynamic lesson plan, incorporating theatrical elements to enhance the educational experience for young patients. The To-Go Package, designed for children unable to attend in person, extended the impact of the project. The key activities involved reflection on personal experiences, connecting play to theater, understanding diversity, and communicating in diverse ways. Through this journey, I learned that DBI is a powerful tool for fostering creativity, communication skills, and empathy, transforming the traditional learning experience into a dynamic and inclusive educational approach.
Theater; Kids; Drama; Education; Health; Hospital
Recommended Citation
Montenegro, Alyne S., "Theater Studies in Creative Drama - A Journey of Transformation" (2023). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023. 55.