High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023
Course Code
Course Number
Brad Crawford
Faculty/Instructor Email
Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
Knight-Thon is something I have been passionate about since the beginning of my experience at UCF. I discovered Knight-Thon through my sister, who had been involved during her college years, and soon followed her footsteps to become involved. I discovered this passion through my sorority's team and am now serving on an Impact Team to further my time, support and involvement in Knight-Thon. I have learned so much about the operations, behind the scenes with the Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, and working and meeting the miracle families. I have loved my time getting to further my love for Knight-Thon and hope my passion shines through my project.
Link to video: https://knightsucfedu39751-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/yaellitwak_knights_ucf_edu/EeItwvoBdjRIoonHiRyzbdIB-esNIJ8U2-DVYadbo5g5RQ?e=rXvn76
Additional Resources
Link to my project just in case: https://knightsucfedu39751-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/yaellitwak_knights_ucf_edu/EeItwvoBdjRIoonHiRyzbdIB-esNIJ8U2-DVYadbo5g5RQ?e=rXvn76
Knight-Thon; children; kids; philanthropy; hospital
Recommended Citation
Litwak, Yael, "Knight-Thon" (2023). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023. 87.