High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023

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Shemeca Smith

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About the Author

Hello! My name is Markel Jones, and I have been researching the effects of Poverty and the Environment on one another for this semester! These topics mean a lot to me, as I always want to help others in one way, shape, or form. I received much help from organizations such as The Mustard Seed, Science Alive, UCF Aboretum, and more in order to make this project come to life! I am more than excited to share my findings and my journey!

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

This presentation focuses on the dual impact that poverty and the environment not only has on each other, but the entire planet around them. There are many factors at play in these issues, stretching all the way from pure wealth to the usage of natural land. A discussion of how people must band together to see a significant change will take place, and that it first takes realizing the issues to make a difference. By exploring the different realms of each respective problem, this project aims to broaden the scope of listeners to the truly larger issues surrounding us now.


Environment; Poverty; Sustainability

Poverty and the Environment: A Symbiotic Disaster
