High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2024

A Look on Mental Health from an Untrained Professional

A Look on Mental Health from an Untrained Professional

Streaming Media


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Dr. Virginia Koch

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About the Author

Hi my name is Akhil Sikha and I would just like to thank 7cups for their help

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

This is just a poster to talk about the 7cups foundation and how they were able to help me understand basic human psychology. Due to my experience directly talking to people, that was the best way to show me how people work and what makes them say what they say or do what they do. This would always be valuable information as I am working towards my psychology degree to become a lawyer since I require a deep understanding of society. It helps to understand that everyone deals with a similar problem at least fundamentally whether it be anxiety or just low self-esteem and it's useful to draw those experiences since these chatters are looking for insight for not only what they should do but how they should react to an event.


7cups, Untrained Professional, Mental Health, Akhil, Akhil Sikha

A Look on Mental Health from an Untrained Professional
