High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024

Rats and Emperors: The Justinianic Plague and a Shaken Empire

Rats and Emperors: The Justinianic Plague and a Shaken Empire

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Dr. Duncan Hardy

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About the Author

My name is Miranda Allaire. I am double majoring in Latin American Studies and History. I am passionate about making learning enjoyable, and I hope to share that through my work. I would like to thank Dr. Duncan Hardy, for his helpful insight on this project throughout the semester.

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

For this research proposal, I decided to analyze the question of how the Justinianic Plague affected Eastern Roman politics. The benefits of taking a Research-Intensive class are easy to see, especially as a History major. Through constructing this research proposal, I noticed how my skills of critical thinking, source analysis, and comprehension of evidence improved. By participating in this project, this has continued to confirm my desire to pursue even higher education.


Justinian ; Justinian Plague ; Justinianic Plague ; Eastern Rome ; 500 A.D ; Eastern Rome Politics

Rats and Emperors: The Justinianic Plague and a Shaken Empire
