Sex Education; Sexual and Gender Minorities
Existing research has identified negative impacts of state-level policies on sexual and gender minorities, yet minimal research has assessed the impact of recent anti-LGBTQ+ laws in Florida. This study explored the sex education experiences of LGBTQ+ college students who attended public middle and high schools in Florida and their attitudes towards the “Don’t Say Gay” Law, which was passed in 2022 and has since prevented the inclusion of diverse sexual and gender identities within K-12 school environments. Data consisted of 11 in-depth, qualitative interviews with undergraduate LGBTQ+ students attending Florida public universities. Thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted, highlighting six key themes: Changes in Political Climate, Going Backwards, Finding Loopholes around “Don’t Say Gay,” Safe-Space in the Arts, Self-Guided Media-Based Education, and Recommendations for Sex Education Changes. The findings demonstrate that while LGBTQ+ students experienced emotional hardships from a loss of school-based support systems, increased hostility from local policy makers, and curricular exclusion as a result of restrictive legislation, many of their teachers and peers found ways to circumvent legislation and create safe spaces, especially within the arts. In direct contrast with the state-wide restrictive legislation, participants proposed large-scale changes in sex education curricula, including increased inclusion for non-heterosexual couples and expanded discussions on topics of sexual decision-making and discovery. With a rise in LGBTQ+ youth isolation and a reliance on social media for education, advocates and policy makers could consider whether the legislation is achieving desirable outcomes.
Thesis Completion Year
Thesis Completion Semester
Thesis Chair
Carter, Shannon
College of Sciences
Thesis Discipline
Access Status
Open Access
Length of Campus Access
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Sriram, Uma, "Sex Education Experiences Of Lgbtq+ College Students In Florida" (2024). Honors Undergraduate Theses. 216.