Call for Papers | 4th International Conference on Events (ICE) 2017 | Rosen College of Hospitality Management | University of Central Florida


Beyond the Waves in Orlando, Florida, the 4th International Conference on Events, is proudly hosted by the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida on 12-14 December 2017. The conference aims to examine a variety of contemporary issues in events and festivals, particularly at how government, industry and communities respond to the following topics and/or event types:

  • Management models for events and festivals
  • Safety and security for events and festivals
  • Smart events and festivals
  • Innovations in events and festivals
  • Information Communication Technology for events and festivals
  • Environmental sustainability for events and festivals
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Supply side and demand side approaches
  • Stakeholder centric approach
  • Integrated and environmental sustainable approach for events and festivals
  • Strategic planning processes for events and festivals
  • Developing events and festivals as tourist attractions
  • Healthy food choices during events
  • Policies and politics of events
  • Events education and professionalization
  • Creativity and events
  • Design and production
  • Event philosophy and psychology
  • Event experiences
  • MICE
  • Impacts and legacies (Beyond the Waves)

Paper Submissions

Authors are encouraged to submit their structured abstract (1200 words including references) as early as possible but no later than 29 September 2017. Each submitted work will go through a double blind review process to ensure quality and adherence to the conference theme.

Once accepted, authors will be notified as soon as reviews are available. Submit your work to Easy Chair: