
Aims & Scope

The James Joyce Literary Supplement endeavours to review books that promote scholarship of Joyce and related areas of literary study, including the New Modernist Studies, Irish Studies, and World Literatures. This includes single-author monographs on Joyce, together with books that consider Joyce alongside other writers or books focusing on topics related to Joyce, such as Irish literature, periodical studies, and transnationalism. JJLS encourages reviews of books that take comparative approaches and consider Joyce in context with other authors, or books that apply interdisciplinary critical perspectives to Joyce and other modernist figures. An inclusive journal, JJLS is particularly keen to publish reviews by independent scholars, freelance writers, and contingent or part-time faculty. The journal welcomes submissions from global scholars and writers and also publishes occasional ‘thought pieces’, translations, and conference reports.

If you would like to submit a book review, please get in touch with the Editor or Managing Editors, who will provide a list of as yet unreviewed titles. Reviews of 1,000-2,000 words may then be submitted via the ‘Submit Article’ tab on this website, or by writing directly to the Editor or Managing Editor at jamesjoyceliterarysupplement@gmail.com. We do not accept unsolicited reviews. Please contact the editorial team to discuss prospective conference reports or other submission ideas.

If you have a recently published scholarly monograph or translation you would like JJLS to review, please advise us and we will add it to our list.

Owing to copyright restrictions, JJLS is unable to publish work previously published elsewhere.