Episode Title
Episode 33: Bethany Backes: Championing Against Violence
Bethany Backes
Series Title
Knights Do That
social justice; violence against women; criminal justice
Season three of Knights Do That, UCF’s official podcast, returns with its sixth guest, Bethany Backes, an assistant professor in the Violence Against Women faculty cluster and holds a joint appointment in the Department of Criminal Justice and School of Social Work. Backes worked for more than 10 years as a social science analyst for the U.S. Department of Justice and joined UCF in 2019.
Here she shares her research with the cluster, what it means to be a champion both against violence and for social justice, and how she has succeeded in academia.
Date Aired
Season Number
Season 3
Episode Number
Episode 33
Length of Episode
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Document Type
View the complete transcript at https://www.ucf.edu/news/ucf-podcast-championing-against-violence/
STARS Citation
University of Central Florida, "Episode 33: Bethany Backes: Championing Against Violence" (2022). Knights Do That Podcast. 34.