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Sebastian Garcia
The Department of History’s Sebastian Garcia attended this year’s annual FHS symposium event which is hosted every October at the University of Central Florida. Being one of the most significant historical events of the year for Florida history and culture, Sebastian wanted to capture the essence of this unique and imperative event by doing on-the-spot, raw, “quick chat” interviews with as many people that were involved with this event—from directors to panelists—as possible. This episode of Knights Historycast is composed of the several quick chat interviews that Sebastian was able to do from day 1 of this incredible and significant event. The following are timestamps to each of the individual interviews that Sebastian conducted during this event:
- Dr. Ben Brotemarkle, Executive Director of the Florida Historical Society (4:56)
- Dr. Connie Lester, Associate Professor of History at UCF, Director of the RICHES Digital Archiving Program, Editor of the Florida Historical Quarterly, and Program Chair of the 2022 FHS Annual Symposium Event (8:09)
- Dr. Christine Ardalan, Author, and Adjunct Professor of History at Florida International University. Presented in Session 1, Panel 2: “Florida’s Indigenous People: Tribal Origins and Tribal Health” (10:00)
- Dr. Jacob Ivey, Assistant Professor of History at Florida Memorial University. Presented in Session 1, Panel 3 “Activism, Difficult History, and Challenging Times” (19:59)
- John Venecek, from UCF Libraries Research and Information Services. Presented in “Brown Bag ‘Lunch and Learn’” (29:09)
- Dr. Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes, Associate Professor of English, Creative Writing, and Literature at UCF. Presented in Session III, Panel 6: “Puerto Rican Arts, Culture, and Politics: Five Years After Maria” (38:19)
Links from Dr. Rodriguez-Milanes interview:
- https://www.raimundiart.com/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25cuxybVwVQ
- https://www.jaquiradiaz.com/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/11/puerto-rico-independence-not-statehood/671482/
- https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1127047867/what-independence-for-puerto-rico-could-look-like-following-natural-disasters
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1IBXE2G6zw
- www.oyechica.net
Sebastian Garcia
Sebastian Garcia
Dr. Ben Brotemarkle, Dr. Connie Lester, Dr. Christine Ardalan, Dr. Jacob Ivey, John Venecek, Dr. Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes
Date Created
History, Florida, Florida History, Florida Culture, Florida Historical Society, FHS, FHS Annual Meeting, FHS Annual Symposium Event, University of Central Florida, UCF, Ben Brotemarkle, Connie Lester, Christine Ardalan, Jacob Ivey, John Venecek, Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes, Knights Historycast, history podcast, podcasts, interviews, live, Charlotte L. Conrad, Field Nurse, Anti-Apartheid Movement, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Miami, Florida International University, Florida Memorial University, John C. Hitt Library, Research, Archive, history students, imperative, importance, significance, HUT, searches, online database, online research, resources, Puerto Rico, arts, culture, politics, literature, Hurricane Maria, connect, event
History, Florida, Florida History, Florida Culture, Florida Historical Society, FHS, FHS Annual Meeting, FHS Annual Symposium Event, University of Central Florida, UCF, Ben Brotemarkle, Connie Lester, Christine Ardalan, Jacob Ivey, John Venecek, Cecilia Rodriguez-Milanes, Knights Historycast, history podcast, podcasts, interviews, live, Charlotte L. Conrad, Field Nurse, Anti-Apartheid Movement, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Miami, Florida International University, Florida Memorial University, John C. Hitt Library, Research, Archive, history students, imperative, importance, significance, HUT, searches, online database, online research, resources, Puerto Rico, arts, culture, politics, literature, Hurricane Maria, connect, event
Length of Episode
Recommended Citation
“Episode 21: Day 1 of the 2022 FHS Annual Symposium Event,” Knights Historycast Podcast, 2022, [https://stars.library.ucf.edu/knightshistorycast/21]