Gillian Gomer, '20
Gillian is an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. She is interested in pursuing a PhD and career in Astronomy, where her work will help advance space research. Her research background is in Planetary Science, though she is also interested in exploring stellar evolution and cosmology.
Faculty Mentor
Adrienne Dove, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Major
B.S. Physics with a Specialization in Astronomy, Mathematics Minor, Computer Science Minor
Future Plans
Ph.D. in Astronomy
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Gomer, Gillian, "Gillian Gomer, '20" (2018). McNair Scholars. 111.
Mentor: Dr. Adrienne Dove at the Center for Microgravity Research in UCF's Department of Physics.
Project Duties: I help design and run experiments that are conducted in our drop tower, parabolic and sub-orbital flights, as well as the International Space Station. I organize and analyze data or various experiments, as well as write code in Python for image processing. I have experience working with a Raspberry Pi and utilizing it for camera work. I help acclimate and train new research assistants.