Vanessa Rijo, '19
Vanessa Rijo is an undergraduate McNair Scholar at the University of Central Florida. They is pursuing a bachelor's degree in sociology with a minor in women's and gender studies. Their research mentor is Dr. Michael Armato, lecturer at the department of sociology in UCF. After earning their PhD, Ms. Rijo intends to become a professor at a research focused university in which they can mentor students and pass down all they have learned through the years of academic work. Vanessa presented her first research project, titled "Social Standards for Femininity and its Correlation to Rape Culture", at the Southern Sociological Society conference 2018. This research intended to empirically test claims that emerge within a rape culture that engages in blaming the victims of sexual harassment for their misfortune. Through the collection of 283 surveys, Ms. Rijo ran their statistics and found that no correlation was implied between women's effort on the portrayal of femininity and the occurrence of sexual harassment. Vanessa intends to graduate in the Spring of 2019 and apply to a PhD program in the United States. Furthermore, Vanessa intends to continue researching within the discipline of gender and sexualities in order to contribute to the literature focused on deconstructing the gender non-binary and record the voices of those who struggle to understand their position in society.
Faculty Mentor
Michael Armato, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Major
Future Plans
Sociology, Ph.D.
Profile Links
Recommended Citation
Rijo, Vanessa, "Vanessa Rijo, '19" (2018). McNair Scholars. 113.