Carla Garcia, '20
Carla Garcia was born in Miami, Florida and raised in Melbourne, Florida. She is pursuing a bachelor's degrees in economics and political science. She holds leadership positions in the Economic Studies Consortium and the International Relations Club at UCF. Carla is currently researching the impact of regional trade agreements in Sub-Saharan Africa under the guidance of Dr. Uluc Aysun. She previously researched the connection between US foreign military training and coups under the guidance of Dr. Jonathan Powell. She plans to obtain her Ph.D. in economics and continue her research in the public sector or academia.
Faculty Mentor
Jonathan Powell, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Political Science Department, University of Central Florida
Undergraduate Major
Economics and Political Science
Future Plans
Economics Ph.D.
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Carla, "Carla Garcia, '20" (2019). McNair Scholars. 125.