Bianca Pizarro, '20
Bianca Pizarro was born and raised in Ponce, Puerto Rico. She is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in sociology. Her passion for social change peaked her interest in sociological research focusing on Puerto Rico in order to influence public policy. Bianca is currently researching the effect of hurricane Maria on college students of The University of Puerto Rico under the guidance of Dr. Fernando Rivera. She plans to obtain his Ph.D. in Sociology and return to Puerto Rico to give back through research and eventually become a professor.
Faculty Mentor
Fernando I. Rivera, PhD
Undergraduate Major
Future Plans
Ph.D. in Sociology
Community-Based Learning | Community-Based Research | Educational Sociology | Family, Life Course, and Society | Inequality and Stratification | Other Sociology | Social Statistics | Social Work | Sociology | Sociology of Culture
Recommended Citation
Pizarro, Bianca, "Bianca Pizarro, '20" (2019). McNair Scholars. 133.