Chanelle Hunter, '18

Chanelle Hunter, '18





Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Chanelle Hunter is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences. She received her Associates degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville. Her family’s medical history has served as a catalyst for her interest in research related to cancer and other degenerative diseases. She is currently researching the presence of naturally occurring Organofluorines and plans to study the compound’s application in cancer drug therapy. Upon graduation, she aspires to obtain a graduate degree in Biological Sciences with a focus on Cancer Biology in order to pursue a career in academia and research.

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Seth Elsheimer

Undergraduate Major

Biomedical Sciences

Future Plans

Ph.D. in Biological Sciences

Summer Research

Project Title: Expression and Purification of DNA Polymerase 1 (Klenow Fragment) for Single Molecule Nanotube DNA Sequencing

University of California, Irvine

Dr. Gregory Weiss, PhD, Chemistry Department, University of California, Irvine

Abstract: Errors during DNA synthesis can introduce genomic mutations, and can lead to cancer and other genetic diseases. DNA sequencing can identify these errors at the molecular level, but wide spread application of this technique requires breakthroughs in DNA sequencing. This research examines DNA synthesis using a single molecule of the Klenow Fragment (KF) of DNA Polymerase 1 wired to a single-walled carbon nanotube field effect transistor (SWCNT-FET). If successful, this approach could revolutionize DNA sequencing. KF catalyzes incorporation of deoxynucleotidetriphosphates (dNTPs) into new strands of DNA. During this catalysis, conformational changes in the protein could generate signals specific to each dNTP. However, noise with the signal makes it difficult to distinguish among the dNTPs. We have expressed and purified KF variants designed to enhance the signal to noise ratio. Additional KF variants with different attachment sites could also help in increasing the attachment yields of the protein to the carbon nanotube. Therefore, this research will yield insight into enzyme function at the single-molecule level in order to improve DNA sequencing for medical diagnostics and other purposes.”

Summer Research Institution

University of California Irvine (SURF)


Medicine and Health Sciences

Chanelle Hunter, '18
