Sarah Davenport, '18

Sarah Davenport, '18





Sarah Davenport was born and raised in Naples, Florida. She is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology. Sarah is passionate about environmental and food sustainability which has led to her active involvement as a volunteer with organizations such a Hebni- an African American founded nutrition consult organization- teaching food insecure populations how to grow their own food in a practical way. Her current research, conducted under the guidance of Dr. Joanna Mishtal, is concerned with the agenda and practices of an environmental sustainability focused organization in Central Florida, and how they incorporate sustainability initiatives and equity. Upon completion of her bachelor’s degree, Sarah plans to attend graduate school and attain a Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology with which she will use to continue to conduct applied research and work as a professor.

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Joanna Mishtal

Undergraduate Major


Future Plans

Ph.D. in Sociocultural Anthropology

Summer Research Institution

University of California San Diego (STARS)


Anthropology | Social and Cultural Anthropology

Sarah Davenport, '18
