Antony Papadia, '15
Antony Papadia was born in Caracas Venezuela. He attained his Associates degree from Valencia College and transferred to the University of Central Florida in 2012. Currently, He is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Biology, with a minor in Psychology. He volunteers with the marine coastal Oyster/Mangrove restoration project with the biology department's Ceelab team. Furthermore, His research involves transferring live successful Oyster Mats to areas where Oysters are not commonly found, and monitoring their growth, larvae recruitment, and survival. His main research interest is determining the effects of biological and human derived toxins, on the health, physiology, and adaptation of marine animal species, specifically on marine vertebrates. Additionally, he would like to apply the solutions found on affected marine animal populations. He plans to attain his doctorate to further his understanding of animal physiology and aid in the survival of marine species.
Undergraduate Major
Future Plans
Ph.D. in Conservation Biology
Biology | Natural Resources and Conservation
Recommended Citation
Papadia, Antony, "Antony Papadia, '15" (2017). McNair Scholars. 39.