Jennifer Walsh, '13
Jennifer Walsh is from Daytona Beach, Florida. She is a psychology major and is pursuing a certificate in women's studies. She is dedicated to her community and is an active member of the Psi Chi International Honor Society of Psychology and the Central Florida chapter of Project HEAL. Her research interests include the causes and prevention of negative body image in youth, impact of media on body image, and adolescent development. After obtaining her B.S., she aspires to earn a Ph.D. in a field that reflects her interdisciplinary research interests. Her career goals include teaching at the university level while conducting research and mentoring undergraduate students.
Undergraduate Major
Future Plans
Ph.D. in Women and Gender Studies
Summer Research
Attachment and Adjustment During the High School-College Transition Conducted at DePaul University as part of the McNair Scholars Program Mentor: Luciano Berardi, Ph.D. Abstract: This study examined the role of attachment to parents on first year students' adjustment to college. Bowlby's theory of attachment can be defined as the interaction and bond between a child and their caregiver. In previous studies, attachment has been shown to correlate with how adults deal with stress throughout life (Banerjee 2006). The study will present findings using data from a survey collected from freshman students (N=700) about students' college experience. Attachment was measured by the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA). From this measure, students were described as having either high (secure) or low (insecure) levels of attachment. Adjustment was measured on two different subscales: personal-emotional adjustment and social adjustment. Personal-emotional adjustment was measured with a focus on physical and psychological health while social adjustment focused on social life. Both levels of adjustment were measured by using questions from the Students Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ). A significantly high correlation was found suggesting that students with a high attachment to their caregiver have healthier personal-emotional and social adjustment to college suggesting that attachment does have an effect on how students deal with stressors. This study also highlights the importance of studying students' relationship with parents. “Slenderize" Yourself: An Analysis of Body Altering Beauty Products Conducted at DePaul University as part of a Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) and the UCF McNair Scholars Program Mentor: Lisa Pecot-Hebert, Ph.D. Abstract: Advertisements can cause a shift in what is perceived as normal within a culture. This is especially true with the concept of beauty. The media defines what is attractive when it comes to body shape, sex appeal, beauty, physical attractiveness, and femininity (Lin & Yeh, 2009). This thin ideal society is further reinforced by "fat talk" (eg. "I'm so fat" "No you're not, I'm fat"). Fat talk research has found that body image is no longer a personal phenomenon, but a ritualistic interpersonal interaction about weight that women often have with each other about their own and each others bodies'. Internet searches through Amazon and Google using the terms "fat", "skinny", and "slim" within beauty products were conducted to gather product information. 44 body altering beauty product advertisements were analyzed. A common theme that emerged within the sample of advertisements is makeovers. Within this theme, the following sub-themes emerged: cosmetic surgery and anti-aging. A second main theme that emerged is feminizing the body. Through this, the idea is conveyed that in order to meet beauty norms one must alter themselves and "slenderize" their bodies.
Summer Research Institution
DePaul University
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Recommended Citation
Walsh, Jennifer, "Jennifer Walsh, '13" (2017). McNair Scholars. 59.