Tamra Artelia Martin, '10
Tamra Artelia Martin was born in Towson, Maryland and grew up in Richmond, Virginia. In addition to pursuing her English degree in creative writing, she works on a second degree in journalism with a focus in editing. Currently, she is completing her Honors-in-the-Major thesis titled “The Fates of Clytemnestra and Cassandra.” This novel portrays the women of the Trojan War in order to shed insight into their lives during that time. Tamra is a member of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society in which she serves as president for the 2009-2010 academic school year. She is also a member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. Tamra works for the University Writing Center as an undergraduate consultant. For the past two years, she has been an active participant in service-learning and has chosen to volunteer at the Life Care Center of Orlando. In spring of 2009, she presented a paper on the topic titled “Visual Exercises and Service Learning: Connecting Student Writers to Older Generations,” which was presented at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs Conference. Tamra aims to earn her M.F.A. and Ph.D. in creative writing. Her goal includes actively writing with the intentions of it becoming a full-time career. She also looks forward to teaching at the university level in the future.
Faculty Mentor
Ann Maukonen
Undergraduate Major
Creative Writing; Journalism
Future Plans
M.F.A. and Ph.D. in Creative Writing
Creative Writing | Journalism Studies
Recommended Citation
Martin, Tamra Artelia, "Tamra Artelia Martin, '10" (2017). McNair Scholars. 98.
Views of Trojan War Women: Exploring Female Traits within Trojan War Literature, Art, and Film Conducted at the University of Central Florida as part of the Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program. Mentors: Dr. Ann Maukonen, College of Arts and Humanities, Department of Philosophy Abstract: Homer limits the depiction of women in the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey. Many forms of literature, art, and film appearing in the centuries after Homer expand on various feminine perspectives of the Trojan War and show them having multi-dimensional character traits. Although there are multiple female characters to explore, my research focuses on five women who have strong positive and negative character traits: Helen, Clytemnestra, Penelope, Hecuba, and Cassandra. Literature, art, and film help to establish the important roles of these women and show that they were affected by the Trojan War as much as the men.