Central Florida Future, Vol. 01 No. 26, June 20, 1969
Florida Technological University
SG summer senate begins operation; Unkovic conducts Red Cross Institute (with photo); HEW awards Tech training grant (with photo); Landscaping plans finalized; Proctor chosen as Dean of Men; Juge promoted to Sciences post (with photo); Engineering textbook published; Village Center gets color TV; Editorial: FuTUre goes culture; Letters to the Editor: Senator Gurney writes FuTUre; Music Festival winners noted; Overseas study program offered; Math series published [by Dr. Charles H. D'Augustine, with photo]; President reviews FTU's First Year; Gilliland has book published (with photo); Bookstore starts advisory comm.; Allen appointed Chairman BioSci (with photo); Omans receives fellowship grant.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 01 No. 27, July 8, 1969
Florida Technological University
Alafaya work scheduled; Two exam review series offered; Bookstore planning 'Book Fairs;' Workers busy with the general classroom building (photo); V.P. Brown forsees FTU Greek housing; [Steven] Lotz wins first prize [at art exhibit]; Entrance marker introduced to SG (Student Government); Morrison's to keep food plan; Yarborough presents scholarship check to Hitt (photo); Wood to assist in English Ed.; Editorial: Pray for a miracle [classroom building construction]; It's still not too late [to do something to the new classroom and the computer buildings]; Student Government says: 'You will speak!' Biology head [Dr. George E. Allen] at Lejeune (with photo); Phys. Ed. bids to be taken; FTU foundation growing slow.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 01 No. 28, July 18, 1969
Florida Technological University
Class cancelled Monday [per Nixon's "national day of participation"]; Tuition increase announced; Work in the classroom building: installation of metal portable walls (photo); Evans, Schrader get appointment; New sociology course offered; Theatre to stage first play ["The absence of a cello;"] Low bidder named for PE (Health and Physical Education) facility; Masters degree courses offered; Hitt appointed Assistant Dean; Regents vote to preserve FTU name; Editorial: War in Viet Nam called necessary & obligatory; Ichabod said unsuccessful; Basketball team likely; FuTUre-SG disagree: an apology is due; Winter quarter Deans' List released.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 01 No. 29, August 1, 1969
Florida Technological University
Hernandez made chairman of Tech Faculty Sente (with photos of Hernandez, David, Grasty W. K. and Omans, S. E); Gas, alcoholic studies at Tech; Added VC (Village Center) construction scheduled for fall, '69; Chris Schmidt elected President Pro Tem (photo); Regents fail to confirm tenure; Allen, Rollins appointed (with photos); Editorial: Well worth waiting for [campus landscaping]; Play opens on Aug. 11 [TFU stage production of "The absence of a cello"]; Courtesy of Winter Park: 'The unpark' is here; Kissel moderates T.V. production; Pearson stands behind column; New [student] handbook seeks approval; Bids coming on food plan; WFTU to begin testing Monday.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 01 No. 30, August 8, 1969
Florida Technological University
Student government conquers Deans Council; Accent '70 proposed as name for yearbook (with photo of the Acting Yearbook Editors); Fall enrollment projected at 3,000; 'Cello' to play Monday ["The absence of a cello," by FTU theatre program]; Proposed distribution of financial aid funds; Lotz to conduct art exhibition; Editorial: Courtesy should prevail in sand parking lots; Letters to the Editor: Komanski hits Future, staff; Fall quarter 1969 class schedule (4 full pages); Originality shines as 'Accent' borrowed from Cunningham; At the theatre [Critic of "Absence of a cello"]; New facilities to expand sports; Library staff members to wed.
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