Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 25, May 15, 1970
Florida Technological University
Orlando's own astronaut [John W. Young] to be graduation speaker; Jones says job vacant, faces ballot problem; Alumni Association to form at Tech; Susan Penn is crowned Tech's first Miss FTU (with photo); FuTUre Editorials: Pollution is winner; No limit on frosh class; Olga Rodriguez is a winner [of the Miss Florida Collegiate Civitan competition]; Peaceful dissent okay, Cramer says; Will 'get it happening', Norton and Barnes pledge (with photo); Santry's platform for SG [Student Government] President (with photo); Flag waver has job suspended; 'Old-fashioned' girl to reign as Spring Queen (2 full-page photos of candidates); Sweet sound of good music [mezzo-soprano Virginia Sayre]; Student Government candidates (with photos); FTU Sports: Aid planned for needy athletes; FTU parents unite.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 26, May 25, 1970
Florida Technological University
New SG [Student Government] President picked - Jim Stringer; FTU still mascotless; Melissa's flag case awaits JP's ruling; Fire near campus deliberately set?; Chi Beta Alpha goes national; FuTUre Editorials: Thoughts on mascots; FTU's MOTHA begins 'Time of your life;' Astronomy Club setting up telescope (photo); Roy Werner selected for Washington Post; Chamber concert thrills full house; FIU Pres. visits FTU; Tick-tick, odd even: it's all for science (with photo of Brendan Voss and his short memory machine); FTU Sports: There's a new dribble ahead: Basketball's future bright, challenging; Students make waves in LLRB art exhibits.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 27, May 29, 1970
Florida Technological University
Top Techers take titles; Reflections by poolside (with photo); Spring Queen crowned at well attended dance (with photo of Linda Brown); Students warned on climbing capers; Campus drug bust best kept secret; FuTUre Editorials: Policy questioned; Letters to the Editor: Casualty readings; Pi Kappa Epsilon takes college bowl; FTU spring dance (photo); Trovillion is named FTU Foundations' head; Federal student aid to have bleak future; Dobbs contributed bound volumes to Mr. and Mrs. Millican (photo); Stone soup school intellectually filling; FTU Scholarship Day considered success; Dietzel takes honors in stockmarket game; FTU Sports: Intramural sports year ends; A tribute to Malcolm X - A moralistic perspective; Nixon rumor nixed, graduation nearing.
Central Florida Future, June 14, 1970
Florida Technological University
[Graduation Issue:] Good luck in the future (with photo); FuTUre Editorials: Goodbye and good luck; A message for graduates; A gift for the graduate; Academic promotions; FTU charter class graduates; John Young, Orlando's astronaut (photo); Alumni Assn. needs you.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 28 , June 19, 1970
Florida Technological University
FTU charter class graduates, Young tells 422 grads world must be saved (with photo); Flag waver's lawyers drop FTU involvement; Dr. Kissel named new college dean; Summer enrollment is more than doubled; Lunar soil fast grower; FuTUre Editorials: Finals week re-visited; FTU's philharmonic in musical triumph; New Residence Hall Asso. to unify MRA and WRA.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 29 , July 6, 1970
Florida Technological University
Dorm drinking rule is brewing, FSU approves spirits: reduces antisocial acts; Rock fests injunction is pending; FTU gals in Miss Florida Beauty Pageant (photo); FuTUre Editorials: Can students have say [to staff replacements]? Let's have even breaks; Letters to the Editor: Memorial wanted; Watermelon, movies planned; Drug raid details: acid lab sophisticated (with photo); [Dr. Robert] Umphrey is named; Pegasus pilots perform service; Campus funnies [Comic strip]; Y. D. [by Young Democratic Club]; CC [by Young Republicans]; Overview [Column]; Science building construction (photo); Disney likes FTU; Best Custodian has been chosen (with photo of Lois Howard); A cool move across pool [Moving day for the Administration Building, with photo]; Back to drawing board, the pool cracked up (with photo); Unkovic is tapped for youth force; Newly-completed second entrance to parking lot 5 (map).
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 30 , July 17, 1970
Florida Technological University
Resignations plague S.A. [Student Affairs]: Loving brings total resignations to five; Music head announced [: Dr. Leonidas N. Sarakatsannis]; Suggestions requested for mascot selection; Rajchel joins Tech as Coop. Edu. Head (with photo); FuTUre Editorials: Questions [on resignations]; SG [Student Government] president [Jim Stringer] speaks; Clayton speaks frankly on Saigon, riots, VC (with photo); Olga selected Miss Civitan; Sports stadium given clean bill of health; Overview [Final column written by Kevin W. Wadsworth].
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 31 , July 31, 1970
Florida Technological University
FTU's Lake Claire lives: phase one completion due by winter term (with photo); Hall bridge repairs halt safety problems; Dorm drinking is axed: has no academic merit; FuTUre Editorials: Paper's goal explained; Parole commission awards Dr. Unkovic; Barbershop to Van Allen, Bolte is a real belter (with photo of Dr. John Bolte); Dr. John Bolte; Tech football fans to share Panthers.
Central Florida Future, Vol. 02 No. 32 , August 14, 1970
Florida Technological University
Tech rec. for Eola kids: an emphasis on sports may aid habit kicking; FTU's graduation ceremonies set for Aug. 22; SG [Student Government] budget is submitted: $137, 930 being requested; Assembly-council formed, acts for career staff; FuTUre Editorials: Drug clinic suggested; Demo candidate for Gov speaks to econ class; Foundation reaches half million mark; Library views expansion soon; Physics project uses laser beam; Kujawa to lead smokies trip (with photo); 'From Russia with love' [Dr. Timothy O'Keefe, with photo]; Dyna-Dome, practical art (with photo); Dr. Comish picks teams for a game of learning; FTU Sports: Panthers' Panther needs a name; FTU cycling enthusiast not black-jacket type (with photo).
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