Central Florida Future, Special Edition
Florida Technological University
2,500-seat gym included: Education complex due next; 7,000 now study on modern campus (with photo); Meeting place for many (the library, photo); 'Who and where' FTU directory; Novices face school juries; Housing plentiful; Computer ready to play; 150,000 -- and growing (the library collection, photo); Disney World tops nearby attractions; Station airs drama; Complex broadcasting (photo); Camera on FTU campus: 7,000 studying at FTU; President graduation surprise... (photos); Postgrad degree in math area; Class stresses 'sensitivity;' Female impact up; Tours see prison life; Theatre provides new pace (with photos); knight teams now winners (with photos).
Central Florida Future, Vol. 06 No. 26, May 17, 1974
Florida Technological University
New structure sets no ceiling: No limit to A&S; Beer in MPR, cafe for FTU programs; Crew wins natl [National] meet; Resident complaints aired; 'Grassroots' at UF start petition: SG [Student Government] abolition attempted; Graduation preparations include beautifications; BOR considers FAMU status; Bus may be cancelled; Science fiction studied (with photo); PS [Political Science] Union holds panel; Friendly atmosphere prevalent throughout Seals, Crofts concert (with photo); Procul Harum featured at 'British Rock' show (with photo); New [registration] system waits til fall; New fee system gets approval from Senate Education Committee; Greek Week 1974 (photos); Tyes stuff 22 into VW: Record broken by Greeks; AAUP [Association of University Professors] merges with UFF [United Faculty of Florida]; Student senate residence alcohol measure passed; Great international bike race (full page of photos); Eye bank holds pledge drive; Music spectacular (full page of photos); Marathon concert successful; Future Sports: Confident FTU rowers 'know we could win' (with photo); TKE, club swamp foes; FTU swim meet (full page of photos).
Central Florida Future, Vol. 06 No. 27, May 24, 1974
Florida Technological University
Over 950 sign SG [Student Government] petition: Students protest fee hike; Police visit FTU; University presidents asked to resign; FTU student nearly drowns; Florida legislators seek to toughen drug laws; FTU grad manages local abortion clinic to meet demand (with photo); Two students open predelinquent home (with photo); Brown says President needs his dining room: Pres dining room questioned; Police visit FTU campus (with photos); Financial aid revised; Campus dating service forms; Power of suggestion explained, basis of Kreskin performance (with photo); SG allocates funds for new machines; Vets lobby 'defeated;' Recent changes in education noted by sociology prof; Open university studied; Bill protects dorm residents; Sports: Athletic 'awards' cap 1974 year; FTU's own Nets' fan cheers ABA champs (with photo of Julius Erving).
Central Florida Future, Vol. 06 No. 28, May 31, 1974
Florida Technological University
Dorm drinking revealed in poll; Dr. Homer C. Combs, FTU's first Professor Emeritus (photo); Accident institutes lifeguard; Pierce says SG [Student Government] concert "poorly planned": SG, VC debate program; Rental objections aired; Campus [drug] 'cache' found; Letters: Copy machine situation answered; Piano festival draws national attention; Unusual Fla names disclosed; Greek woman picked; Where there is a will... (with photos of FuTUre's workforce and the workflow); HFA [Humanities and fine arts] ranks last in job survey; FTU students assigned to play games in computer courses to learn basics; SG 1973-74 presidential report: An open letter to students; HFA, Biology Building near completion; Future Sports: Netter eye NCAA tourney; Maust captures superstars crown; Blonde willing to share curves: Personal ads quite personal; Campus couples discovered; FTU coed appears in feature motion picture; Major not on masters diploma.
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