Central Florida Future, June 18, 1997
UCF professor's spin on Clinton-jones scandal; $14.6 million building under construction; UCF's downtown 'Hidden jewel'.
Central Florida Future, June 25, 1997
Build it and they will come; Nursing program makes impact on community; Dr. Pete Fisher's life uplifted thousands a UCF.
Central Florida Future, July 2, 1997
O-team welcomes incoming freshman; UCFPD strives for better student rapport.
Central Florida Future, July 9, 1997
SGA's new cabinet coming together; Ski rope invention pulls students to success; New course to examine 'isms'.
Central Florida Future, July 17, 1997
Coffee controversy leaves students brewing; Professor explores Mars on campus; Miss UCF reaches for the stars; UCF revs up with engine curriculum.
Central Florida Future, July 23, 1997
Coffee cart hopes perk up for fall; Student has a good rap going; Campus voices outrage over Versace murder.
Central Florida Future, July 30, 1997
A year in review: the top newsmakers; Students struggle to avoid credit card trouble.
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