
Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Large Language Models, Teaching Strategies, Faculty Development, AI Ethics, Research Tools, Productivity, Course Design, Student Engagement, Prompt Engineering, Academic Writing, Grant Applications, Educational Technology, Digital Pedagogy, AI Fluency, Generative AI, ChatGPT, Collaborative Learning, Academic Innovation, Blended learning, Adaptive learning technologies, Academic workflow optimization, AI-enhanced research methods, AI literacy for educators, Automated grading systems, AI in curriculum design


"AI Hacks for Educators" is a comprehensive guide designed to help faculty leverage generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), to enhance their teaching, research, and professional development while lessening their workload. Written by experienced educators from the UCF's Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, this book offers 55 practical tips and strategies for integrating AI into various aspects of academic life. The authors explore how AI can streamline course preparation; develop lesson plans, assignments, activities, and rubrics that improve student engagement; facilitate their own research, review, and publication processes; and boost overall productivity. The book is divided into three main sections: making teaching easier, enhancing faculty life, and supporting research efforts. It also includes a brief look at additional AI tools beyond LLMs worth considering. Balancing ethical considerations with practical applications, this guide serves as a compass for navigating the AI emergence in higher education. It offers faculty members time-saving strategies to leverage AI in their daily academic tasks, while presenting approaches that harness technology's benefits without compromising the indispensable role of human educators in fostering critical thinking and creativity.

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