Episode Title
S2 E15: Finding National Networks in Disability
support networks; Council for Exceptional Children; UCP; Tourette Syndrome Association; Best Buddies
Episode Description
Drs. Rebecca Hines and Lisa Dieker, UCF faculty, share their thoughts on helping teachers and families find resources and networks. This episode highlights just a few of the national and local networks to consider including the Council for Exceptional Children, UCP, Tourette Syndrome Association and Best Buddies to just name a few. We hope you enjoy thinking about how to expand your support network as a teacher or a parent. We look forward to receiving your questions @accesspratical
Date Aired
Document Type
STARS Citation
Hines, Rebecca and Dieker, Lisa, "S2 E15: Finding National Networks in Disability" (2020). Practical Access Transcripts. 31.
Link to Podcast