Series Title
Practical Access
IEP; IDEA; Think College
Accessibility | Disability and Equity in Education | Education | Online and Distance Education
Drs. Rebecca Hines and Lisa Dieker, UCF Faculty members, answer a listener's question about the differences in rights from the K-12 setting to college. They address how the IEP ends and access begins. They share tips to help college students and parents/teachers understand that college is a privilege not a right under IDEA, but that students with disabilities still do have access to some levels of support. They remind listeners about the importance of considering college through Think College options for students with intellectual disabilities. Remember questions can be shared on Twitter @accesspractical. Follow us on itunes or iheart podcasts.
Date Created
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Length of Episode
Recommended Citation
Hines, Rebecca and Dieker, Lisa, "S2 E5: College versus K-12 Education Rights to Accommodations" (2020). Practical Access Podcast. 34.
Transcript - Practical Access S2E5
Accessibility Status
We are committed to ensuring accessibility for all users. To support individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer text-based content, a full transcript accompanies each episode of this audio podcast. The transcript provides a detailed, text-based representation of the audio content and can be accessed directly on the podcast’s webpage. If you have any questions or require additional accommodation, please feel free to contact us at stars@ucf.edu.