

Sender Place

Bristol, [Pennsylvania]


Samuel Carpenter

Receiver Place


Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

40.100666, -74.851831


Alice Hodgson Pemberton, Bristol Pennsylvania, Samuel Carpenter, Israel Pemberton, Robert, Thomas, Quakers, Society of Friends, Business, Debt, Illness, Social network, Women


Letter dated April 15, 1702 (April 5, 1702 Old Style) from Alice Pemberton to Samuel Carpenter. Part of the letter concerns a financial plan to raise money for debts and legacies without having to lose either stock or servants.


Bristo [Bristol] the 5 of th [the] 2 mo [month] 1702

dear ffrind [friend]

Samuel Carpender [Samuel Carpenter] I reseived [received] thine [your/your letter] dated this
instent [instant] and am satisfied whith [with] what the [thee] [you] [page tear: have]
dune [done] the marrieg [marriage] is not like [likely] to be acompished [accomplished]
yet I thinke [think] if the [thee] [you] thinkes [think] fit to settle bisne^s^ [business] 
next month or sooner Iff [if] is [it] can be with convenia^s^ne [convenience]
Robert hath [has] been very ill nou [now] is sum thing [something] better
Ann not [a person?] is very weeke [weak] the tennant [tenant] is desiorus [desirous] of
cuming [coming] soon and I think it will be best I am [sen: crossed out]
sensable [sensible] of thy [your] exersise [exercise] and trouble mie [my] exersise [exercise]
hath [has] ^not^ been small sens [since] the [thee] [you] left us I am veri [very] well in 
helth [health] blessed be the Lord for it I have much to saye [say]
to the [thee] [you] pray let me se [see] the [thee] [you] as soone [soon] as the [thee] [you] canst [can] 
conveniantly [conveniently] heare [here] is many deats [debts] should be paid
I am under a concarne [concern] about them a fue [few] lines by [strikethrough: illegible]
this bairer [bearer] would be very exseptable [acceptable] time is short
In hast [haste] 

Alice Pembertune [Alice Pemberton]

I have not seene [seen] the agrenent [agreement] but if it be as John
tels [tells] me hou [how] can mony [money] be raised for dets [debts] and legasies [legacies]
with out [without] the stock and sarvants [servants] be desposde [disposed] of and
concarnid [concerned] a barne [barn] will half the produse [produce] of this [page tear: place?]
bulde [build] the barne [barn] and find robin cloathes [clothes] I cannot se [see]
that it will I am not will ling [willing] theire [there] should be [cross out]
anye [any] intres [interest] upon my account nor as litle [little] as canbe [can be]
upon any others for it is aeting [eating?] thing these fue [few]
lines are the sacond [second] considerasion [consideration] I thought to had [have]
the sheep but we shal [shall] not difer [differ] a fue [few] lines from the [ink smeared]

[written on left margin]

deare [dear] love to the [thee] [you] thy [your] dear wife And famalye [family]
and Israel [Israel Pemberton] I should be glad to know what must be
dune [done] with thomas and Ann [?]

[page 2]

Samuel Carpenter 
marchant [merchant] 

[written on left side]

Bristole [Bristol] 5. 2d. [2nd] mo. [month] 1702
Allice Pemberton [Alice Pemberton]
Rd [received] ye [the] 7. anserd [answered?] ye [the] 8th
P [Per way of] – [Janney]







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