

Sender Place

London, England


James Harrison

Receiver Place

Pennsbury, Pennsylvania

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

51.507351, -0.127758

Country, State, Location 2

40.428123, -80.100609


James Harrison, David Lloyd, Jane Lloyd, Ralph Smith, Drury Lane, Quakers, Society of Friends, Legal concerns, Women, Death-estate settlement


Letter dated September 9, 1686 (August 30, 1686 Old Style) from David and Jane Lloyd to James Harrison.


London Agust [August] ye [the] 30th 86 [1686]

Mr [Mister] Hariss [James Harrison]
I Reced [received] yo^u^ [your] letter: wherin [wherein] yo^u^ [you] pretend to give ancount [an account]
[strikethrough] How my Bro [brother]: Ralph [Ralph Smith] left what hee [he] had but it is soe [so]
dark that It wants An Expositor: And as for A leater [letter] of
Atturney [attorney]: I doe [do] not think it Convenient untill [until] I Receve [receive]
A true Copy of the will: therefore I desire yo^u^ [you] to be soe [so]
Just to me As to send it with all speed: And with all to
give me A more partit^u^ [particular] Acount [account] for yo^u^ [you] Can give A guess
what will Com [come] to my share: If yo^u^ [you] deale [deal] sincerely by
mee [me] I will Alow [allow] yo^u^ [you] sum [some] Considderation [consideration] for yo^u^ [your] trouble
I doe [do] very much Admire that my Bro: [brother] [Ralph Lloyd] should leave soe [so] much
to An other [another] mans wife: And noe [no] wayes [ways] Related to him
since shee [she] did not think him good Enough: to bee [be] her husband
I Am sure hee [he] had never Com [come] there but for her: but I find
shee [she] was pollitik [politic] to mary [marry] heare [here] And then to Run After
him there being A weakly man And Insinuat [insinuate] her saelf [self]
to gett [get] what belong: to his [ink blot] Relations: I Expect shee [she]
should make good her title by [ink blot] haveing [having] his true will poved [proved] Acording [according]
To the lawes [laws] of England: otherwise wee [we] canot [cannot] bee [be] sattisfied [satisfied] that
shee [she] has Any Right to it: my Bro [brother]: tould [told] us yt [that] he bought 5000 Akers [acres]
of land of his master which Cost him twenty pounds: he layd [laid] out
thirty pound more In Iven [even] work And other Conveniency for 2~
him to Examine the matter: In the meane time [meantime] I Remaine [remain]
yo^u^ [your] frend [friend] And srtt [servant]
David Lloyd

[postscript along left margin]

if shee [she] make Expedition And send us sumthing [something] Considerble [considerable]
I shall not trouble my seulf [myself] with useing [using] Any other meanes [means]: if not [Ile] [I'll] Asure [assure]
her I shall turne [turn] it over to such that will torment her sufficently [sufficiently] with law

[postscript along bottom of letter in Jane Lloyd’s hand]

I thinke [think] it Almost imposible [impossible] that my Brother
should leave so much to a stenger [stranger] wh^e^n [when] hee [he]
writ [wrote] so kind a letter to me by [Henry] Gibs
which letter I have:
these from yur [your] 
frind [friend]
Jane Lloyd
direct yur [your] letter over 
against ye [the] dog tavren [tavern] in druryland [Drury Lane, England]







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