

Sender Place

Dublin, Ireland


Peter Hendricks

Receiver Place

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

53.349804, -6.260310

Country, State, Location 2

52.372430, 4.899730


Roger Longworth, Peter Hendricks, Thomas Green, William Penn, Roger Haydock, Thomas Atherton, Joseph Boden, Johann Claus, Jacob Claus, Jo Ranliff, Barnit Van Jongneren, Bridgetown, Barbados, Jamaica, Danzig, Hamburg, Friedrichstadt, Friesland, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Quakers, Society of Friends, Movement-international


Letter dated August 31, 1686 (August 21, 1686 Old Style) from Roger Longworth to Peter Hendricks. The letter contains the names of many foreign Friends, as well as the locations of many meetings.


Dublin ye [the] 21 of ye [the] 6 ^mo [month]^ 1686

deare [dear] piter Hendrick [Peter Hendricks]/
my verie [very] deare [dear] and well beloved freind [friend] in the Lord Jessus [Jesus] Christ in-
whom we have Rest and peace for ever [forever] more, who is the Rocke [rock] and-
foundacion [foundation] of all our freesh [fresh] springs, and hath [have] begotten us by his owne [own]
everlasting power, neare [near] and deare [dear] one unto another, and in this Love
and Life is my saluttacion [salutation] unto thee [you], and all deare [dear] freinds [friends] in those-
parts of the world, god all mighty be with you all Bless and prosper-
you for ever [forever] more saith [says] my soule [soul], and now deare [dear] Piter [Peter Hendricks] I recaived [received]
thine [yours] dated the 18 of the 6 mo: [month] which I was verie [very] glad of, and ever-
shall be, to heare [hear] of your well being [wellbeing], and allso [also] of Thomas Green
being with you, and allso [also] of your expecttacion [expectation] of deare [dear] Will: Penn [William Penn]
and Roger Haydock all which I was verie [very] glad to heare [hear] of, that you
might be Refreshed to gaither [together] in the Lord, soe [so] deare [dear] heart by this few
Lines thou [you] may understand that I am verie [very] well blessed be the name of
the Lord, whose power and presancs [presence] presarvias [perseveres] over all sea and Land
god Blessed for ever [forever] I have beene [been] now Throw [through] the nacion [nation] and have
had good sarvies [services], and freinds [friends] are generially [generally] well and meetings full
and Large, and manie [many] Coming In, and all is at a stand, and through-
all this the Lord is making way for his truth and people, and all-
will worke [work] togaither [together] for good to them, that Loves the Lord his truth
and people, and soe [so] freinds [friends] have no Cause to be dismaid [dismayed] or Cast downe [down]
for the Lord is with us, and no weppian [weapon] formed against his a noynted [anointed]
shall prosper, the mouth of the Lord hath [has] spoken it, soe [so] deare [dear] Piter [Peter Hendricks]
my heart is full of the Lords Love towards you, when I have Labored-
amongest [amongst], my Cope [cup] over flowes [overflows] and my soule [soul] doth [does] Reioyce [rejoice] in the Re
memberances [remembrances] of you, desiring your groath [growth] and prosperity and ever
lasting [everlasting] well being [wellbeing], soe [so] let mee [me] heare [hear] from you as often as may be, I
shall be glad, and if Thomas Atherton be with you, my deare [dear] Love
is to him, his wife and famiallie [family] are well, ^her Love is to him,^ and shee [she] desires to heare [hear]
from him, and if he be yeat [yet] with you, I desire thee [you] to send me a little
amber to smock [smoke], I thinke [think] I may stay in this Counterie [Country] a month or
six weekes [weeks], and then I have some thoughts to goe [go] towards Wast-
endien [West Indies] to Barbados or gamackia [Jamaica], and if thee [you] write before I goe [go] I shall
be glad, and if not, then write to Josaph Bodon [Joseph Boden] in Brige Towne [Bridgetown, Barbados]
in Barbados, soe [so] I have given thee [you] an account, and desire thee [you] to Remem
ber [remember] my Love to all freinds [friends] as if I did name them, to deare [dear] Jo: Claus [Johann Claus]
and his wife Jo: Ranliff [?] and his wife to Jacob Claus and his wife
Barnit van Jongneren, and friends at dansick [Danzig, Germany] hambourgh [Hamburg, Germany]-
freederickstadt [Friedrichstadt, Germany] freesland [Friesland, Netherlands] alke more [Alkmaar, Netherlands] Rottordam [Rotterdam, Netherlands] to deare [dear] mary-
and her Bro: [brother] if a Live [alive] soe [so] god all mighty keepe [keep] you all in his-
to thee [you] I take my Leaive [leave] and bid thee [you] faire well [farewell]/
thy freind [friend] and Bro: [brother] in the
fellowe shipe [fellowship] of the gospell [gospel]

Roger Longworth

[page 2]

[along upper right corner, in a modern hand]

Roger Longworth
6 mo [month] 21 1686
Peter Hendricks

[written on the bottom, in a period hand]

ffor [For]
Peter Henderick [Peter Hendricks]
merchent [merchant] In

[written reflective to above lines]

acoppie [a copy] of a letter to Peter
ffor [For]
peter Henderick [Peter Hendricks] merchent [merchant]
in [strikethrough]







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