Pemberton Correspondence
Sender Place
London, England
James Harrison
Receiver Place
Bolton, Lancashire, England
Repository holding original letter
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Full Date
Document Type
Country, State, Location 1
51.507351, -0.127758
Country, State, Location 2
53.577694, -2.428887
Roger Longworth, London, James Harrison, Bolton, George Fox, William Penn, Gracons Street [London], Winsworth, Roger Haydock, Philip Ford, Phineas Pemberton, William Gibson, James Claypoole, Robert Haydock, George Green, Thomas Green, Colchester, Holland, Stephen Crisp, Steven Crisp, Steven Crisp {Colchester}, Society of Friends, Quakers, Social network
Letter dated June 20, 1682 (June 10, 1682 Old Style) from Roger Longworth to James Harrison. Mentions Harrison's recent "good [...] at Liverpool." Also mentions plans to go towards Colchester and then Holland. There is a financial account ledger on the back.
PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton Correspondence
London ye [the] 11: of: ye: [the] 4: mo: [month] 1682
James Harrison
dear and well beloved freind [friend] and Brother, whom
the Lord hath [has] honnored [honored], and Crowned in his eterniall [eternal]
power, and who shall take it from thee [you], blessed be his
name for ever [forever], my Life is bound up with thee [you], and
Love flowes [flows] unto thee [you], and I am knitt [knit] unto thee [you], [crossed out: illegible]
measureablly [measurably], in that Life and followshipe [fellowship] of the
gospell [gospel], of peace which the Lord hath [has] mead [made] us par
takers [partakers] of in which our unity stands, and we are
fellow [feelers?] of one another, and in the [etremes?] [extremes]
of my fathers [father’s] Love, I dearly Imbrace [embrace] thee [you], and Cord
ially [cordially] salut [salute] thee [you], thine [yours] I Rcd [received] and was verie [very] glad
to heare [hear] of thy [your] deare [dear] wife Recoverie [recovery], whom I
dearely [dearly] Love, the Lord prelong [prolong] her dayes [days] saith [says] my
soule [soul], and all soe [also] was glad to heare [hear] of thy [your] good
searvies [service/services] at Liber pool [Liverpool], a mongest [amongst] freinds [friends], things
here are prety [pretty] quiat [quiet], and we have had a blessed
heavenlly [heavenly] meeting for six dayes [days] now togeither [together]
and it is not yeat [yet] ended, the Lords [Lord’s] power has gone
over all, I doe [do] not know that I ever soye [saw] such a
multuites [multitudes] of people, Last first day it was expected
that all over meetings would abeene [have been] brocken [broken] up
G: ff: [George Fox] and w: p: [William Penn] and I was [were] at gracons [Graysons] street, when
theire [there] was said to be neare [near] 4 thoushand [thousand] people
and not a tongue Lift up against us, Roger Haydc [Roger Haydock]
was at Daven shire [Devonshire] hous [house], and offecers [officers] take him
out of the meeting and Lete [let] him goe [go], and at the
Savoye [Savoy] the [they] take some names, and that was all,
and everie [every] day since we have had meetings
quiat [quiet], and the Lord is with, and who shall pre
vaile [prevail] against us, magified [magnified] bee [be] his power for
ever [forever] more, Roger Haydock and I was [were] with william penn [William Penn]
this morning, and hee [he] Read thy [your] Letter, and gaive [gave] it to mee [me]
againe [again], to give to phillep foard [Philip Ford], and said if theire [there] weire [were]
any place yeat [yet] Left p: p: [Phineas Pemberton] should have a place, and
if he Came to him hee [he] should not want a place, he was
in hast [haste] goeing [going] to winsworth, and desired us to Come
to him againe [again] when he Cam [came] home againe [again] and this day I have
beene [been] with philep foard [Philip Ford] and given him the Letter, and he has
promesed [promised] that phinehas [Phineas Pemberton] shall have a place, and that his place
should be the stoor keeper [storekeeper], and will. Gibson [William Gibson] to him on thy
his account, and allso [also] to James Claypoull [James Claypoole] that he should
have a place, I have bought him, a grace of buttons of the
best I can get the prise [price] is five shillings six pence the [they] will
Com [come] in Robert Haydockes [Robert Haydock’s] goods, I have not beene [been] with george
green, as yet, I may take an opertunity [opportunity] on the second day
and give him account, and thus fear [far] I have answered your
Letters, and what fouther [further] I Can give mee [me] [my] account, I am will
ing [willing] to serve my freinds [friends], in what I can, I thinke [think] to stay in
town till [until] the Later end of the next weicke [week], and then goe [go]
towards Collchester [Colchester], it may be I goe [go] over to Holland
I doe [do] not here [hear] of any except Tho: Green [Thomas Green] soe [so] I have not much
time if I goe [go] thaire [their] yearlie [yearly] meeting begines [begins] on the forth [fourth] day
Com [come] two weicke [weeks], Let mee [me] heare [hear] from you, direct to Stephen
Crisp at Collchester [Colchester] if not before, soe [so] with my Love to
you all in the seed that blessed for ever [forever], I remaine [remain]
your freind [friend]
Roger Longworth
Susana Millners [Susannah Millner’s] Love is to thee [you]
thy [your] wife and freinds [friends] R:H: [Roger Haydock] E:H: [Elinor Haydock]
M:L: Tho: At. [Thomas Atherton]
which all Loges [lodges?]
R:L: [Roger Longworth]
Case of knives 2 5
2 doz [dozen] of [pea...] 2_4
1 doz [dozen] of Locks 3_0
2 doz [dozen] of knives 1_0
2 files 0_8
1/2 doz: [dozen] of [...] 0_6
1/2 doz: [dozen] of Large [...] 0_9
one sockett [socket] chisall [chisel] 0_7
one doz: [dozen] of Looking ^glases^ [glasses] 3_0
14s_03d [14 shillings 3 pence]
[upside down]
Roger Longworth
4 mo [month] 1682
James Harison [James Harrison]
ffor [For]
James Harrison
at Boulton [Bolton]
in Lancashire
Creator (Linked Data)
Roger Longworth (Q106658182) [Wikidata]
Roger Longworth, London, England, to James Harrison, Bolton, Lancashire, England, 1682-06-20, vol. 1, pg. 188, Pemberton Family Papers, 1641-1880, 0484A, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PRINT, 16132,