Pemberton Correspondence



Sender Place

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Alice Hodgson Pemberton

Receiver Place

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1


Country, State, Location 2



Phineas Pemberton, Philadelphia, Alice Hodgson Pemberton, Bucks County, George [...], James [...], Joseph [...], Thomas Clark, Quakers, Society of Friends, Social network


Letter dated May 29, 1700 (May 18, 1700 Old Style) from Phineas Pemberton to his wife, Alice Pemberton. The contents of the letter include trouble with Phineas' affairs which have lengthened his stay and business conducted with Thomas Clark.








PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton Correspondence


The 10 th day of the 3/mo [month] 1700

my deare [dear] I want much to be with thee [you] I have had no pleasure since I came to Town; things go heavily on here about our publick [public] afairs [affairs] wch [which] makes my stay uneasie [uneasy]; but doubt it  will be Long ere [before] I come home for we have done little as yet, let Cozins [cousins] know that I wold [would] have them as soone [soon] as they Can after the house is up to get the weather boords [boards] made; I have no acctt [account] as yet whether the Shingles be come to Buckingham; when the Stonework is finished let all hands go to grubing [grubbing?] Geo: [George …] & [and] James knows where that a - little may be made ready for barley afore [before] wee [we] go to mowing I shold [should] have  been glad to have had a few lines from thy [your] hands by any that had comn [come in] down Tell Cozin [cousin] Jos: [Joseph …] that Jan Gardiner has sent the bond to Thomas Clark to be put in Suite [suit] agt [against] him I Told Clark [Thomas Clark] I wold [would] not trust him nor enter any action with out [without] ready mony [money] he told me he wold [would] not proceed in it untill [until] the latter end of this month I told him the mony [money] wold [would] be ready at Court this with my Endeared love to thee [you] my deare [dear] Ab [Abigail Pemberton] & [and] pris [Priscilla Pemberton] I am In the same thine [yours] P.P [Phineas Pemberton]

[left margin, written sideways]

ffor [for] Phineas Pemberton These

[written below in Phineas Pemberton’s hand]

I have sent the bed & [and] blanket by Geo: [George…] & [and] 2 Sythes [scythes]

[right margin, in an archivist’s hand]

Phineas Pemberton Philadelphia 3 mo. [month] 18 1700 to Alice Pemberton Bucks. [Bucks County, Pennsylvania]

Creator (Linked Data)

Pemberton, Phineas, 1650-1702 [LC]

Phineas Pemberton (Q94253673) [Wikidata]

Receiver (Linked data)

Pemberton, Alice Hodgson [LC]

Alice Hodgson Pemberton (Q102035755) [Wikidata]

Sender Place (Linked data)

Philadelphia [GeoNames]

Philadelphia (Pa.) [LC]

Receiver Place (Linked data)

Bucks County [GeoNames]

Bucks County (Pa.) [LC]

Organization (Linked data)

Society of Free Quakers [LC]

Quakers (Q170208) [Wikidata]

Society of Friends [LC]

Family (Linked data)

Pemberton family [LC]

Pemberton Family (Q113325696) [Wikidata]

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