Agency Name

The Smoking Cessation Reduction in Pregnancy Treatment (Program) - Healthy Start


Agency Location, Address, Phone Number, Email

427 W. Story Rd., Ocoee, FL 32787, 407-254-6822

Description of Services

This program is offered by Healthy Start, a portion of the Orange County Health Department that is specifically for mothers or soon to be mothers. They offer education and counseling for multiple topics including childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting, pregnancy care and smoking cessation, which can be an excellent offering for pregnant women who are try to quit. They offer a brand new curriculum for smoking cessation that is an evidenced based method called SCRIPT (Smoking cessation and reduction in pregnancy treatment). This curriculum focuses on gradual smoking reduction through a self-care DVD with guide and CO monitoring for progress check. The program is no charge and any woman can qualify as long as they fill out the screening form on the website.


Smoking Cessation



Last Modified Date

Summer 6-14-2017