

Dr. Asli D.A. Tasci from UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management and fellow researchers have undertaken research in the popular tourist destination of Antalya, Turkey to investigate destination loyalty. The study explores whether place-oriented or people-oriented factors have a larger influence on tourists' likelihood to revisit the same destinations, while also considering the differences between domestic and international tourists. The findings from this research will support tourism managers' understanding of how to drive repeat visits in a market with overwhelming competition.

Original Article

Tasci, A.D.A., Uslu, A., Stylidis, D., Woosnam, K.M. (2022). Place-oriented or people-oriented concepts for destination loyalty: Destination image and place attachment versus perceived distances and emotional solidarity. Journal of Travel Research, 61 (2), 430–453. doi.org/10.1177/00472875209823
