"Can Humor Help Sell A Tourist Destination Online?" by Maksim Godovykh and Xiaoxiao Fu


Destination marketers pack a lot into their websites, assuming potential visitors want detailed information. But perhaps they're missing a simple trick to attracting the attention of potential travelers and getting them to connect with what's on offer: a dash of humor. But humor is a doubleedged sword; experimenting with it can be potentially damaging. However, research by Dr. Maksim Godovykh and Dr. Xiaoxiao Fu at UCF's Rosen College of Hospitality Management has shown that even making light of a crisis can help boost attitudes and intentions.

Original Article

Godovykh, M., Fu, X., Leung, X.Y. (2023). Humor on destination websites: Effects of humor on attitudes and visit intentions. Tourism Analysis, 28, 371–386. dx.doi.org/10.3727/108354223X16837426437308.

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