An Investigation of Factors Related to the Application of Instructional Technology by Florida High School Teachers


This study's purpose was to investigate variables most significantly associated with technology application by high school teachers in the ten largest Florida school districts. Four variables (perceived value of technology, administrative support, staff development, and personal technology experience) were identified in the literature as influential factors in technology application. This study analyzed 620 teachers' responses to a scaled questionnaire measuring perceptions of technology value, administrative support, and staff development; technology experience; and technology application. The research addressed these issues: Was there a significant correlation between technology application and each of the four independent constructs (perceived technology value, administrative support, staff development, and technology experience)? How effective were the independent construct data in predicting teacher application of technology? What differences emerged between the groupings established by teaching assignment, teaching experience, and home computer access? The findings showed significant, moderately weak correlations between technology application and two independent constructs, perceived technology value and personal technology experience. The weak relationships may be attributed to high scale-scores for all respondents on technology value and personal experience, regardless of the reported level of application. Significant, moderately strong correlations were demonstrated between technology application and two constructs, administrative support and staff development. The positive relationship reflected literature findings that strong administrative support and on-going, hands-on staff development are key components to successful technology implementation. The four independent variables were found to be statistically significant predictors in the regression equation. Finally, analyses of variance revealed significant differences in technology application for each of the demographic groupings. Thus, access to a personal computer, teaching experience, and assignment were found to be influential on technology application. In conclusion, the results of this study seemed to indicate that these Florida high school teachers demonstrated high levels of personal technology experience and a strong perception of technology's value. The most significant factors for consideration in future technology planning in these districts appeared to be administrative support and staff development. Teachers who demonstrated the highest levels of application recognized a strong level of financial and personnel support by administration. These same teachers also perceived staff development offerings as hands-on, application based, and on-going.


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Graduation Date





Bozeman, William C.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Services




209 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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