Antigenic as well as allergenic cross-reactivity was observed among the pollen extracts of Paspalum notatum, bahia (BA); Callistemon citrinis, bottlebrush (BO); and Melaleuca leucadendron, melaleuca (ME). lmmunoblot analysis of SOS-PAGE separated proteins revealed multiple antigenic components in the extracts of all three allergens which cross-reacted with rabbit antisera made to each pollen extract (anti-BA, anti-BO and anti-ME). A unique antigenic component of 15 kD molecular size reacting only to rabbit anti-BA antisera was detected in the bahia extract. Allergenic cross-reactivity among these pollens was strongly suggested by results obtained with skin testing of allergic individuals. A clinical study of 55 randomly selected allergic patients demonstrated that 81% of patients skin test positive to at least one of the above three pollens were also positive to the other two. Only 6% of the patients were reactive to just one of the pollen extracts. Skin test data correlated well with the data obtained from immunoblot analysis of the pollen components.
A majority of the SOS-PAGE separated pollen components from each of the ammonium bicarbonate extracts was reactive with lgE from at least one of the allergic patients' sera. These lgE reactive components were detected in the molecular weight range of 29-66 kD. Each of the allergic sera tested and analyzed by western blotting exhibited unique lgE binding patterns indicating heterogeneity of the immune response. Some components were reactive with lgE from sera of more than one patient. These components are possibly major allergens since they are reactive with lgE from at least 60% of the tested patient sera.
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Graduation Date
White, Roseanne S.
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Health and Public Affairs
Molecular Biology and Microbiology
70 p.
Length of Campus-only Access
Access Status
Masters Thesis (Open Access)
Dissertations, Academic -- Health and Professional Studies; Health and Professional Studies -- Dissertations, Academic
STARS Citation
Hosseiny, Saeed S., "Immunochemical characterization of the antigenic and allergenic components of the plant pollens of paspalum notatum. callistemon citrinis and melaleuca leucadendron" (1991). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 3852.
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