
High-Power Electrostatic-Accelerator Fel Program For Power Beaming


We discuss details of a technical plan that will lead to the development of a 1 MW, continuous wave (CW), efficient, near infrared electrostatic-accelerator FEL for power beaming applications. Among the advantages of our technical approach are: (a) true cw or pulsed operation is possible; (b) better than 20% wall-power efficiency can be achieved, (c) existing electrostatic accelerator technology will be employed, and (d) only low levels of unwanted ionizing radiation will be produced. We propose to achieve our final objective in three technical steps. The first step is currently under implementation at the University of Central Florida. The main thrust of the present program is to show 1 kW, CW, far-infrared FEL operation with a 1.7 MV electrostatic accelerator. The goal of the second step is to reach 60 kW FEL power in the middle-infrared region using the TANDAR (Argentinian Tandem) accelerator (V = +17 MV). For the third step we propose using a combination of two high voltage tandem accelerators (V = +25, -25 MV) to achieve the final goal of 1 MW, CW operation in the near-infrared region.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering



Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

0029210324 (Scopus)

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