
Evaluating Performance Of Distributed Computing Technologies - Hla And Tspaces On A Cluster Computer


Parallel and distributed simulation is concerned with issues introduced by distributing the execution of a discrete event simulation program over multiple computers. For increased performance, a tightly-coupled parallel multiprocessor computing platform is used, containing multiple CPUs communicating over a highspeed interconnection network. Examples include parallel computers. While hardware specifications improve at exponential pace, the software technologies for parallelizing problems have remained relatively unchanged, posing problems due to rapidly increasing data volumes. Message passing has been the most widely used method to parallelize data mining algorithms. In this paper we investigate the performance of two widely used distributed computing technologies, High Level Architecture (HLA) and Tuple Spaces, used to solve the problem of an intrusion detection system utilizing parallel backpropagation neural network (BPNN) for a data mining process in a space-parallel approach. © ECMS, 2005.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Simulation in Wider Europe - 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2005

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

84863043833 (Scopus)

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