
Fast,Efficient And Secure Bss Transitions


802.Ix; Access point; Authentication server; BSS; IEEE S02.IIi; VoIP


We present a fast and efficient way of switching a wireless node (WN) between different Access Points (AP) in an Infrastructure Wireless Network. Our proposed model adheres to the security standards set by IEEE 802.IIi draft. New architectures like S02.IIi and Robust Secure Network (RSN) mainly depend on the S02.Ix×× communication between a Wireless supplicant node and an Authentication Server (AS) followed by a 4-Way handshake between Wireless Supplicant node and Access Point. Reassociation with another AP also requires a four way handshake. We propose two models for transitions. The first model is based on Distributed approach while the second one is based on Centralized approach. Distributed model involves AP to AP direct communication without the involvement of AS while in Centralized model APs communicate through AS. We show that both the models are very efficient, secure and deny any kind of man in the middle attack, any rogue attack by wireless node or an AP and any kind of Denial of Service attack. Finally, we show that Centralized model has a little edge over the distributed model. © 2005 IEEE.

Publication Date


Publication Title

2005 1st International Conference on Computers, Communications and Signal Processing with Special Track on Biomedical Engineering, CCSP 2005

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

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Socpus ID

69649083163 (Scopus)

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