Recognizing Human Actions In Videos Acquired By Uncalibrated Moving Cameras
Most work in action recognition deals with sequences acquired by stationary cameras with fixed viewpoints. Due to the camera motion, the trajectories of the body parts contain not only the motion of the performing actor but also the motion of the camera. In addition to the camera motion, different viewpoints of the same action in different environments result in different trajectories, which can not be matched using standard approaches. In order to handle these problems, we propose to use the multi-view geometry between two actions. However, well known epipolar geometry of the static scenes where the cameras are stationary is not suitable for our task. Thus, we propose to extend the standard epipolar geometry to the geometry of dynamic scenes where the cameras are moving. We demonstrate the versatility of the proposed geometric approach for recognition of actions in a number of challenging sequences. © 2005 IEEE.
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Number of Pages
Document Type
Article; Proceedings Paper
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Socpus ID
33745959988 (Scopus)
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STARS Citation
Yilmaz, Alper and Shah, Mubarak, "Recognizing Human Actions In Videos Acquired By Uncalibrated Moving Cameras" (2005). Scopus Export 2000s. 3293.