
Interactions Of The Three Management Levels In The Manufacturing Enterprise System Using Hybrid Simulation


Discrete event simulation; Hybrid simulation; Manufacturing enterprise; System dynamics


We build on our previous work of developing a hybrid discrete-continuous simulation model of the manufacturing enterprise system. This model consists of an overall system dynamics model of the enterprise and connected to it are a number of discrete event simulations for selected operational and tactical functions. System dynamics modeling best fits the macroscopic nature of activities at the higher management levels while the discrete models best fit the microscopic nature of the Operational and some tactical levels. This offers a simple, scaleable, non-expensive dynamic policy design tool that fits the different scopes and planning frequencies of management levels. In this paper we report the progress being made in designing the process of communication between the continuous system dynamics model and the discrete models. We discuss the characteristics and considerations that must be investigated while devising the controller unit that facilitates and synchronizes the integration of the simulation models.

Publication Date


Publication Title

2006 IIE Annual Conference and Exhibition

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

84858479043 (Scopus)

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