
Combined Pre-Reforming-Desulfurization Of High-Sulfur Diesel For Hydrogen Fueling Station Applications


A new on-demand hydrogen production technology for fueling station applications has been developed. In this process, the diesel fuel is first catalytically pre-reformed to shorter chain hydrocarbons before being fed to the main reformer, where it is converted to high-purity hydrogen gas. The catalytic pre-reforming of high-sulfur diesel to C1-C6 alkanes was studied. In the pre-reformer, most sulfurous species present in the fuel were converted to predominantly H2S. The sulfur removal from the pre-reformate gas was required in order to avoid deactivation of the catalyst (mostly, Ni-based catalysts) in the main reformer. Desulfurization of the pre-reformate gas was carried out in the regenerative redox system. Desulfurization occurred optimally at the following process conditions: 0.1 M iron (total) concentration, pH of 1.7, set by addition of sulfuric acid, and 50°C electrolyte temperature. The integrated pre-reformer and sulfur-scrubbing unit operated successfully for 100 hr, meeting the required desulfurization target of 95% removal. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AiChE Spring National Meeting & 5th Global Congress on Process Safety (Tampa, FL 4/26-30/2009).

Publication Date


Publication Title

Conference Proceedings - 2009 AIChE Spring National Meeting and 5th Global Congress on Process Safety

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

78049312793 (Scopus)

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