
Role Of Pressure And Reaction Time On Corrosion Control Of H2S Scavenger


Sulfite cracking, corrosion fatigue and electrochemical corrosion are some examples of the effects of the presence of Hydrogen Sulfide in a mixture of oil and brine. In order to guard pipelines and well equipment, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of this gas to a minimum. One of the best solutions to do so is utilizing a chemical H2S scavenger. It is of high interest to identify the role that the pressure and reaction time parameters play on the H2S scavenger efficiency. To address this concern, this paper experimentally evaluates the change of the scavenger capacity to react with Hydrogen Sulfide at different pressures. Additionally, the gas concentration is examined as reaction time passed in order to identify its effect on the scavenger performance. Results indicate that most of the scavenger - H 2S reaction occurs in the first five minutes and that lowering the pressure after the reaction has started taking place decreases the scavenger efficiency. Scavenger concentration was also a variable and it was found that a 600:1 ratio is above recommendable parameters since a higher amount of scavenger is used without this meaning a significant decrease of Hydrogen Sulfide concentration. Copyright 2008, Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Society of Petroleum Engineers - 4th International Conference on Oilfield Corrosion 2008 - "Extending Field Life: Mid-Life Crisis or Life Support"

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

54749108791 (Scopus)

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