A Mission Plan Representation For Autonomous Reasoning Of Consequences
Autonomous reasoning; Dependences; Replanning
For an autonomous agent, the ability to assess the impact of an event on the agent's current course of action is essential if the agent is to react to events encountered during a mission. One aspect of achieving such a reasoning capability is to develop a representation for the mission plan amenable to assessment. We present the Mission Plan Dependence Graph (MPDG) and discuss its uses with respect to autonomous reasoning of consequences and replanning. This is an initial definition of the MPDG, which is part of larger reasoning model being developed. The MPDG represents a mission plan as a directed, acyclic graph explicitly representing actions, actions sequences, and dependences between actions. The model leverages concepts developed within the Program Dependence Graph program representation by applying them to planning graphs. The MPDG directly supports reasoning of primary and secondary effects of events on a mission plan, mission execution, and replanning operations. The MPDG also support multi-agent and multi-echelon planning environments.
Publication Date
Publication Title
16th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation 2007, BRIMS
Number of Pages
Document Type
Article; Proceedings Paper
Personal Identifier
Copyright Status
Socpus ID
84865274686 (Scopus)
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STARS Citation
Becker, Brian C.; Gonzalez, Avelino; and Garfield, Keith, "A Mission Plan Representation For Autonomous Reasoning Of Consequences" (2012). Scopus Export 2010-2014. 4443.