
Optimal Coherent Phantom Track Design Using Virtual Motion Camouflage


The virtual motion camouflage based trajectory planning methodology, augmented with the derived early termination conditions, is proposed to design the optimal collaborative trajectories for electronic combat air vehicles in constructing a coherent phantom track. In this problem, a realistic 6DOF dynamics model and severe state, control, control rate, and geometric constraints are all considered. An innovative virtual motion camouflage based method is applied to solve the inner-loop optimization problem in a very quick fashion. For the outer-loop, the early termination conditions are used to reduce the computational time by not executing the inner-loop optimization if these conditions are violated by the guessed phantom track. The early termination conditions include the necessary conditions derived based on the motion camouflage steering law and feasibility conditions derived according to the state, control, and control rate constraints. © 2010 AACC.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010

Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

77957783623 (Scopus)

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